Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sign up for the RSS feeds...

FYI: if you want to keep up with the posts and comments made here, then make sure to sign up for the RSS feeds...see icons on right hand side that say "Subscribe to Moral Training..." If you need any help doing this, let me know and I'll try to walk you through it. It's great to sign up for the RSS feeds so you don't always have to check the website since all the new posts and comments will go directly to your email inbox.


  1. Do you do any e-mail notifications... such as through feedburner? I dont use a "reader" but I would love to keep up with your posts. Thanks! Becky

  2. Hi Becky - I just saw your comment today -- sorry. Let me see what I can figure out. I'm new to all this blogging stuff! ;-)

  3. Oh, that was easy! I just added a new "gadget" that you can now sign up your email address so the posts go directly to your inbox. See the top right hand side of the main page of the blog. Thanks for joining!
