We just finished our morning training time and we all had a great time! I thought of another fun idea to teach the kids the "touch the car" idea from the Toddler Transition DVDs. This morning I set up a few things around the living room - our stools, their "lily pads", the baby stroller and some stuffed animals. I would call out "touch the green stool" and they would say "yes mommy" and go over and touch the green stool until I told them either to come to mommy or to go touch the another item. Owen really loved this and actually asked to play it again so we ended up doing it twice this morning.
Also, this morning I started out with our worship story. Currently we are going through the Read
'n' See DVD Bible. It's a great book since you read the story to the kids - which are short and have lots of illustrations and then we watch the story we just read on the DVD disk that comes with the book. This morning I used the DVD time for our quiet and still time. Both kids sat on their 'lily pads' with their hands folded as they watched the short DVD video. They both did great...one of the next steps I'd like to accomplish is that even if mommy isn't in the room, they stay on their 'lily pads' with their hands folded.
We did cover some other training ideas from my scrapbook this morning and we always end our training time with prayer. It still amazes me how much fun we have during training and how especially Owen looks forward to having training every morning! Hope you are having fun at your house too! Please leave some comments to let me know how things are going!
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