Monday, December 28, 2009

What are YOU wanting to work on with your kids?

Post a comment on things you would like to be working on with your kids -- perhaps we have some of the same things and I'd be happy to post ideas I have and you could share your ideas too!

Here is a list of some of the things I'd like to work on but haven't gotten around to yet in our training time...
* kids staying by the shopping cart when shopping
* stop the "but why mom" after giving instructions
* drama of saying don't want something and then two seconds later crying because they want it now
* siblings getting along together
* how to deal with lying
* showing respect to their things, especially toys

This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but are some of the areas I plan to work on with my kids during non-conflict training. I will update the blog on this as we get there with my ideas and please feel free to share your ideas too!

Don't forget to let me know some of the areas you are wanting to work on so maybe we can work on them together!


  1. Okay, I think it works now. Jenn -- love the blog. Here are a few things I work on during NCT: expectations for behavior during meals, church, any event or place that we are going that we have or have not discussed before (these usually take place in the car on the way to the event), ways to resist temptation, ways to react/respond to negative behavior by another child or adult, ways to respond to compliments, how to react to almost anything -- one thing that is big during the holidays is how we react when we get a gift. For example, if it is something we may not want or like or if we have it already.

  2. That's a great idea about NCT regarding presents. We took something over to our neighbors the other day and Owen was waiting for his present in return for dropping over a present for them. After we got home we talked about how not always do we get a present when we give a present.

    And yes, NCT doesn't have to be just a time in the morning set aside for training. All throughout the day we should be teaching our children - we're big on the car ride "peep talks" before arriving at our destination. Helps keep everyone on the same page!
